Lionel Moniz, Procurement Specialist at Hotel Facility Concepts (HFC), brings a wealth of experience from various sectors. His background provides valuable insights into customer focus, operational efficiency, and strategic management. In this interview, Lionel shares his plans to optimize procurement, streamline operations, and maintain cost efficiency while prioritizing sustainability. 

You have an impressive background in procurement and supply chain management. How do you think this experience will help you succeed in your new role as a procurement specialist at HFC? 

My experience has taught me to make smart purchasing decisions, manage budgets effectively, and enhance supply chain efficiency. I’ve saved money and built strong relationships with suppliers, whom I consider partners. This background equips me to support HFC in making strategic decisions that keep costs down and operations running smoothly, benefiting both the company and our clients. 

You have experience implementing cost-saving and efficiency-enhancing strategies. How do you hope to apply these skills within the hospitality sector at HFC? 

I plan to optimize procurement and streamline operations by drawing on my experience from various sectors within the service industry, focusing on renegotiating contracts and consolidating suppliers. Through close collaboration with my colleagues at HFC and our preferred partners, I will implement innovative and sustainable solutions tailored for our clients in the hospitality sector. 

You have worked in different sectors. What insights have you gained that may be relevant to your work at HFC? 

Having worked across sectors such as facility management, hospitality, and customer service, I've learned the significance of customer focus, operational efficiency, and strategic management. In the hospitality industry, balancing exceptional customer service with cost management is paramount. My experience in facility management has prepared me to tackle intricate projects and foster strong supplier relationships, skills directly relevant to my position at HFC. 

Your profile states that you have a strong focus on supplier relationships and building partnerships. How do you think strengthening these relationships can contribute to HFC's growth and success? 

By developing strategic partnerships, we can foster innovation, create long-term value, and promote sustainability. Strong supplier relationships lead to better negotiating positions, consistent deliveries, and the flexibility to respond to market changes, all of which are vital for HFC and our clients. I believe this will significantly contribute to HFC's growth and success. 

You have experience working in international environments. How do you think this experience can help you strengthen HFC's international strategy? 

My international experience has taught me effective communication and negotiation skills across diverse cultures and markets. I believe this capability aligns well with HFC's business culture. Working closely with colleagues, we aim to identify and capitalize on global procurement opportunities, establish efficient supply chain networks, and implement best practices globally. Understanding international market dynamics and cultural nuances will bolster HFC’s global expansion efforts and improve operational efficiency. 

How do you plan to incorporate sustainability into your procurement strategies at HFC? 

Incorporating sustainability into procurement is a priority for me. I aim to collaborate with suppliers who share our commitment to sustainability, focusing on eco-friendly products and practices. By optimizing our supply chain and reducing waste, we can not only cut costs but also minimize our environmental impact, aligning with HFC's commitment to sustainable operations. 


Curious how Lionel can streamline your organization? Contact Lionel at